Asteria Cleaners

Client: Asteria Cleaners  |  Project date: 2015 - 2016  |  Role: Product Designer |  Project type: iOS and Android app, brand development and marketing; freelance project


Asteria Cleaners is the Uber of the laundry world - speedy, extremely convenient and cost-effective.



In 2016 Asteria Cleaners has been acquired by Zipjet.

London is one of the world’s most time-deprived metropolises where time is the most expensive asset. With having to fit in work, family and social events in your day,  who enjoys wasting time on mundane things like doing laundry? Laundry apps are nothing if convenient - your laundry and dry cleaning needs are just a tap away.

As a mobile-first dry cleaning and laundry service, Asteria Cleaners promises radically change the way you do laundry.  Android and iOS apps arrange pickups and drop-offs through your phone. Plus, it’s beautiful and intuitive to use.


the challenge

Changing the medium

In 2015 Asteria Cleaners managed all bookings through the website. With rapidly expanding client base and new dry cleaning on demand services emerging every day Asteria Cleaners had to find a way to gain competitive advantage. I joined the team with a massive task in hands -  to design iOS and Android apps.


Click. Clean. Deliver.

The goal was clear - Asteria Cleaners app had to be simple and straightforward. We wanted to create a product which removes all the friction that comes with clothing care, as well as, a product that people will enjoy using. Tap, clean, deliver - no less, no more.



It all starts here 

The concept of the app got us all very excited, however we knew that enthusiasm can dull our logic. Therefore, we started learning everything we can about market landscape and our users. 


Know your enemy

We conducted competitive research to understand better what’s already out there, what works, what doesn't and how Asteria Cleaners can develop the product that stands out in the crowd of competitors.


|   App success hinges on a collection of variables: the right product with the right features for the right audience in the right market.



Guess less. Know your users

Rather than making assumptions about our customers, we wanted to learn from them. Asteria Cleaners already had a solid client base using their service which allowed us to analyse current customer behavioural patterns and aggregate stats about customer cohorts using GA, heat maps and session replays.


Wonder Twins 

We combined insights from quantitative research with qualitative user research. We conducted user interviews to understand 3 key points: drivers - what is bringing users to the website, barriers - why are they not doing what we expect them to do, hooks - what is that persuaded users to do what they actually did.


|  When you know little about the customers you serve, you know little about how to succeed.



Words vs feelings

While user interviews are a great way understand users' motivations, often interviews lack flexibility and don't get to the core of human emotions. There’s always a gap between what we say and what we do—that’s just human nature. Therefore, we conducted a variety of hands-on exercises with users to bring out the deeper levels of human experience. Hands-on exercises enable conversations and bridge the gap between what we say and how we feel.

|  Exercises create a bridge from the superficial to the deeper levels of human experience.



We used lists and sentence completion exercises to understand users' feelings around the mundane every day tasks,  document different schedules and how household chores fit into people's lives, as well as, to understand associations, desires, preferences, and values about mundane every day tasks. These exercises allowed conversations unfold naturally and gather rich information on users' motivations and expectations.



Connecting the dots

Getting a glimpse into the daily lives of our customers showed us they needs, their behaviour, where they struggle and the opportunities for designing a product that will solve their problems. We created user personas to summarise and communicate user research findings as well as develop focus for Asteria Cleaners' app.


user flows

The journey starts here

Together with Asteria Cleaners team we analysed user personas, their motivations, needs and goals. This gave us enough information to start visually illustrate user flow, break customer's experience down into individual interactions and understand how app could help users achieve their goals in the easiest possible way.

wireframing & prototyping

From static to interactive

The ultimate goal of wireframing was to create a prototype so we could get the feel of the functionality and navigation. We moved from static wireframes to interactive flows multiple times and tested concepts early to understand what could be done better or what features were completely unnecessary.

user journey

Tap. Clean. Deliver.

We sacrificed some options and functionality for simplicity and left no way for the user to get lost. Choose the items that need to be cleaned, select time slot and address, place an order and let Asteria Cleaners take care of your garments. Simple.

There are only 2 reasons users get lost: either the app does something you didn’t expect, like the user’s network connection goes away, or the user does something that you didn’t expect. By keeping it simple and focusing on the main user task we eliminated a way for the user to get lost.

|   Don't leave a way for the user to get lost.


Minimum UI for maximum UX

App interface utilises minimalistic approach - stripping everything but the essentials - so the user has a clear path forward.

|   Live only with essentials, leaving behind anything nonessential.

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